
Feb 24, 2006 17:28

God, I didn't realise I had been so long without an update! Eep!

I went to see 'Walk the Line' a few weeks ago now and I have to say if you haven't seen it yet you should so go. Its brilliant, easily the best film I have seen in the cinema in a good long while. Certainly if you enjoyed Ray and like this kind of music you will love it. Damnit, even if you aint keen on the music you will love it. I was meant to be going to see it tonight with my momma and aunt but I'm not feeling great. So that kinda sucks but I'm sure I will see it again before it leaves the cinema.

I've discovered that at the moment, despite how far it has come, it is not a good idea for me to be driving. My knee clicks and clunks and moves about everytime as I do so much as hover over the clutch. When I push the clutch my knee near enough shoots off again which causes me to clutch it with my hands which means not 2 hands on the wheel...often around corners. Yesterday i was going to drive my mum to the bank and the building society while she whipped in and did what she had to do. But halfway there she told me to pull over and drove herself. Good thing she's insured on my car, I would never be able to do that for her. Damnit i wouldn't be able to see out of her's. Lol. So that sucks big time. It means I have to rely on other people for lifts all the time which I really hate espiecially for things like nipping to Sainsburys to go to the cash point or driving to my friends to catch the bus for uni.

This has all made me a little worried that I won't be able to attend London book fair. It is going to be a fair old hike, on my feet all day and getting on and off of the underground. Its also quite far from home for anything to happen. I hate that I consider that where ever I go...how far will I be from Home? What if my leg screws up again?

I'm even more worried that my right knee has been hurting more than the one I actually dislocated, espiecially when i try and turn over in bed. Its all abit worrying. I need to book an appointment with the doctor anyway to get my prescription filled again so I might ask her opinion. Not that she will know much about it really. In a way I suddenly wish I was still a patient at the Physio Ward because they always knew what was good/bad idea etc. I really need to resume my knee excercises again, I don't think it helps that I haven't done them in a while. I just assumed that after what 3/4 months it would all be forgotten and healed. I've hear people say that it takes over 6 months for it to be fully healed.

The whole thing sucks even more when you consider I brought a lovely pair of boots from downtown today and *gasp* they have a heel. But I'm not convinced they are really conductive to the well being of my knee either if I am completely honest with my self.

I come to you today with a sense of acheivement too. I finished my first fanfiction in about 2 or 3 years the other week. Its Sunset Beach but I haven't posted it yet, just sent it out to a few people who I know will help.

Uni= Busy! Roll on summer vacation.

X-fans have you read This? Looks good but the negative is Claremonts writing it. But then I prefer his mini-series stuff dealing with alternate future stuff. I love X-men: The End. Am I the only one that thinks Beast is the logical and best suited character to take over from Prof X? I don't know why hasn't occured to Marvel before...well it has in a What if..? issue before.

walk the line, knee, x-men, car, driving

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