
Jan 25, 2006 20:07

We all probably now know of the changes being made to the core X-books soon. Well HERE is an interview with the guy taking on X-men. He talks alittle about the team and his ideas etc.

Now, am i the only one who would really like to see Iceman as the leader?

I know he doesn't have the leadership experience under his belt as much as Cable, Canonball, Rogue or even Mystique have. But y'know i think it would make a nice change. After all he did show he had some skill during OZ:T when he lead Marrow and Cecilia Reyes.

Its a facet of his character that i think i would like to see played out or shown to some degree. Even if he was horrendous at it and was constantly undermined i would like to see it explored. After all we have seen all the other Original five take on the role of leader at some point or another (Cyclops-- all the time, Archangel--Uncanny along with Nightcrawler, Beast--Defenders (kind of) and the Blue team, Phoenix--well she got to be headmistress of the school) so why not Bobby?

If i had to place my bet on who would be the leader of the new Xmen team however, my bet would be with Rogue i think. If it was Cable surely they would have announced it already cause, in my mind at least, its a bit of a no brainer. Canonball too to a large extent. Rogue however, was leader during the 'Search for Cyclopalypse', or whatever it was called, right up to reload. She did a pretty good job too.

Also who do you think the character is who has ties to a core member of the team that Bachalo supposedly draws awesomely. Someone who will play a big role.

I'm thinking maybe Domino? Or if my suspision is right and Archangel joins the team perhaps Husk? Yeah random i know.

Any thoughts?

Edit: Woah there, we needed a cut there my pretties! That was a long ramble for a few minutes typing!
ETA2: I have given Beautifulxbeast a new layout if anyone would like to check it out. It features movie Beast, cause while i have decided i don't like the overtly wooly look alot of people at the community do!


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