Jul 25, 2003 21:59
heyy, well, tonight's christmas! "it's christmas and i want everything. i just can't wait. christmas, don't stop spending. i want a million gifts, that's right. so don't forget my christmas gifts tonight.." some simple plan all up in this.. haha.. yeah, so last night went to the commons at 8:30 and hung out with tracy and jess.. yeah, jamie made me hit my head and now i have a huge bump.. melissa called again last night at 12:00.. she told me all about the moulin rouge.. and the red light district, hahahaha. omg, i miss her soooo much already!!! but today, went to the mall, got 2 tank tops and a jacket.. tonight, stayed around here.. went to dinner, got ice cream, came home.. now im home and doing nothing.. i have no idea what's going on tomorrow night.. got any good ideas? not commons!!! i'll probably end up there, but ehhhh.. yeah, so that's it. MeRrY ChRiStMaS iN JuLy.. <333 ::*muah*::
**you know you love me**
<3 alex