"lucky lucky. I'm so lucky"

Jan 06, 2009 06:13

Funny how things come together sometimes...

I have been stressin' all week about what to do this weekend - stay in town and finish my AFF/get more skydives in, ride Tahoe with Mark, head to Ouray for some ice climbing/highlining, or head to Vegas early before my class to climb see fam/friends.

Well, the original decision was to go skydive fri-sat then head to tahoe for the day then skiddadle off to Vegas for a day of climbing before my Ped's ER course. Well...the course got canceled opening up a nice 7 day chunk of time off soooooo

Wednesday: work. plus get in some tunnel time to prep for my AFF jumps.
Thursday: Hang with my cousin and her kids that are in town.
Friday-Sunday: Fly to Ouray, revel in the festival, highline and goddammit I better get to climb some!
Mon-Tuesday: Finish my AFF
Wednesday: Probably come back to the bay and get sorted before 4 days of work. orrr, head to Tahoe from Lodi after jumping.

hmmm...I see nothing but sleep deprivation and smiles in the next week!! can't wait!!

Then - work a bit then meet up with Sandra Face and JP in Salt Lake City for a weekend of snowboarding with my besties, to be followed by JP and I's Wilderness Medicine course. THEN, I work a week, then am off to Wisconsin for a week THEN the Dominican for TWO! THEN! I work a week or two and am off (potentially) to Mexico to climb! MAN! IDEK!

For those of you that know of Jon Losey and his recent departure of America for the Peace Corps in Ethiopia...he has just updated his blog with another very enetertaining posting. CHECK IT: www.JonLosey.com


ps. I send my YoSAR application...TODAY! EEP! it is like we always say...
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