Mar 09, 2011 08:12
"You have always been such a free spirit but now you have taken on so many responsibilities. Why do you choose to carry the burden?"
The question had been nagging her ever sense he had asked it. Sure, she didn’t really choose to be the Priscus of her clan, they had all voted her in and she was proud to do it. She could have declined, she supposed, but being in the position opened more doors and it’s very hard to close a door once it’s opened.
Sheriff was another story. It was a lot of responsibility and though she liked being in the thick of things, at the same time she knew she wasn’t quite as free to do as she pleased. Sure, she could leave for a month and take up that invitation to visit the Mekhet of Rome, but then the City could suffer in her absence. For now, she’d have to stay and fight. If she survived then she’d have all the time in the world to see Rome and its fine art.