1 . A is for age:
2. B is for beer of choice
Kreik (Belgian bitter cherry, most often lambic)
3. C is for career right now
4. D is for your favorite day of the week
Friday, I get stuff done and sleep in.
5. E is for essential item you use everyday
Red Bull
6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment
CSI, Mythbusters, Toolbelt Diva
7. G is for favorite game:
Tip Top
8. H is for Home town
Seattle, WA now; Port Townsend and Bainbridge Island in the formative sense.
9. I is for instruments you played
Flute, ugh. Also dabbled in sax, mallet percussion, mountain dulcimer, bass, concertina...
10. J is for favorite juice
11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
Violence is not the answer.
12. L is for last place you ate:
Kitchen: pancake and bacon make a breakfast taco!
13. M is for marriage:
not yet, but 10 years together is a point of pride.
14. N is for your full name:
Megan Madrona DuMont
15. O is for overnight hospital stays:
Only when I had my reduction mamoplasti surgery (I was 19).
16. P is for people you were with today:
Willie. And by phone with Gwen.
17. Q is for quote:
"I am perpetually awaiting a rebirth of wonder" Lawrence Ferlinghetti.
18.R is for biggest regret.
Yeah, I don't really have one, my life is pretty sweet.
19. S is for status:
20. T is for time you woke up today:
I think it was about 8am.
21. U is for underwear you have on now.
black cotton.
22. V is for vegetable you like:
23. W is for worst habit:
Picking at my skin.
24. X is for x-rays you've had:
Ears, jaw/head/teeth, foot, wrist, back
25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:
Newman's Own Ginger O's sandwich cookies.
26. Z is for the zodiac sign: