(no subject)

Mar 24, 2005 09:01

I meant to update earlier ... but I was too busy feeling like an escapee from the Outbreak movie ...

I am getting better. My nose is no longer peeling off and my nose isn't running non-stop and I actually thought I was going to be done, but then the sore throuat came back and the cough started ... just like when I first started getting the damn flu to begin with ... ugh!

My muscles and joints are sore and I'm tired/worn out as all hell. I wish I could be asleep right now ... darned kids! There were a couple of days there where you couldn't have paid me to get out of bed, luckily my husband was home to help out. He's been worse than I. The dr gave him some medicine for his chest, trying to keep him from getting pneumonia yet again.

My 3 year old also got sick, but his lasted for a few days and was mostly a nose thing.

I'm desperately trying to stay awake right now, have to pick my kid up from the school bus soonish.
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