Jan 25, 2006 18:12
Sooooooooooooo Guys it turns out that i am in New Zeland!! and its GREAT!! the sun is shining and ive just got out of my relatives pool...i was being a 'dolphin' while my little couisn Rhys...who is an amazing swimmer for a 4 year old?! was being the 'south island ferry' is a tad obsessed with boats :D Went down to the beach today as well...paddling in the water with my little couisn Keria...shes 9 months old and just beautiful! seriosually beautiful little girl smiles ALL the time! My aunt think she has a bizzare connection to me! she hasnt cried once when i pick her up either...altough she does with everyone else? Currently drinking Corona and going to a Sushi place for dinner later. LIFE IS GOOD!!! Got another week with my relatives...they are taking me sky diving and bungee jumping this weekend, yes there will be viedos and yes you are all welcome to laugh at me....plus some sort of boogie boarding and potential trying to surf?? with hilarious consaquences! Another drink has just been placed infront of me....going to run :D Sorry there are no paragraphs! Im not going to be anal about them because IM IN THE SUN!!!! HOOOORAY FOR SUMMER TIME!!!!!!!!! Hehe :P Ciao :D