Dec 09, 2005 17:07
There has offically been the conformation of a New Years party at my house...all in aid of years...and infact my birthday and me leaving...!! HOOORAY!! its all about the celebration with reasons...and they are three fold!! HOOORAY!!! (I better get my Babybell!!)
Im scared today...its my brothers Year 11 ball 2nite and the afterball party is being held in my house...Oh dear....i am staying in to act as the police...which considering my size is an entirely hilarious proposition...Dans gonna come over for morale support.... :/ which is also an interesting prospect...i think im more threatening than he is?? Maybe we should just drink them all under the table? except its all Stella??? BLEGH!! and an awful lot of it...Oh dear Drunk 15 16 year olds?? WHY???