snagged from
nocturniquette1 . Name fictional characters.
1. The guy you would take to meet your parents:
Jason Teague (because he is hot and sweet and takes good care of his girl)
2. The one girl you would do:
any Six cylon
3. The guy you'd have sex with in your parents bed:
Dean Winchester
4. The girl you'd take to the mall:
Willow Rosenberg (because that girl so needs some fashion advice)
5. Your male BFF:
Seth Cohen
6. Your female BFF:
Original Cindy from Dark Angel
7. Your gay BFF:
Lloyd (from Entourage)
8. The guy who'd take you to prom:
Sam Winchester
9. Your big brother:
Worf (damn right!)
10. The guy you'd marry:
Jason Teague
11. The two guys you'd have a threesome with:
of course, it's the Winchester brothers or if kinkier: Dean Winchester AND Alec from Dark Angel
12. The girl and guy you'd have a threesome with:
Six and Spike (two bleached blonds)
13. The guy you'd go clubbing with:
Justin Taylor (QAF)
14. The guy you'd have angry hot sex with: