As expected.

Nov 06, 2012 23:22

Look at the margins in Florida and some states. Imagine if the Ron Paul supporters and the Gary Johnson folks instead had voted for Romney. Even most of them. A few state balances would flip.

And maybe, just maybe, the GOP will get where it went horribly wrong.

You know what the most important letter in RINO is?


When someone chooses your party, you should try to work with them... because they are still usually closer to your overall beliefs than the opposing party is.

Include or fade. Include... or fade. And to the Ron Paul/Johnson folks who were smart enough not to support someone who didn't support them, I say thank you for sticking to your guns. You earn support. You DO NOT get it by default.

And maybe we'll all learn to work together a little better these next four years. Tired of obstruction.
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