I've now been briefed on the major points of the DNC's platform. Not horrible on the social end, but economically....
I scoured the summaries for the word 'jobs' and found none. But I did find mentions of supporting unions. ... Okay, I'm trying to get fully employed again, as in 40 hours a week. Unions, with their persistent need to hold onto benefits and money for the people inside their circle... right now that idea is repugnant to me. I've been outside the union box several times, and they don't give a crap about me, because I am not union.
So the DNC's labor focus is all wrong. I'd not even mind the taxes on the rich (given our loopholed tax system that allows some of them to pay a good bit less than me on their income) if that money were going to go toward job creation, the only truly noble purpose I can picture right now (whether it's the most productive or efficient way to make jobs is certainly up for debate, but things like that worked for FDR).
Just... ugh. What do you do when both frickin' parties get it... not just wrong, but really wrong?
Four words. It's the economy, stupid. And right now, no one dares offer any suggestions on how to proceed.
Ever wonder why the U.S.'s credit rating dropped? I sure don't. These people fail at the big picture, constantly.
Oh, and for the 'are we better off question' I have one thing to say.
Thinkprogress is full of shit.