what happened to Easter?

Apr 15, 2008 23:33

They say time flies when you're having fun, it now also seems to apply to the less fun parts as well.

Easter came & went in a blur.  Probably didn't help that i was out of the country for 3 weeks (not all in one go)
Went to Tenerife with Natalie for a week - was great fun & a nice relaxing end to a very stressful end of term. 3 days after returning i left on a field trip with the uni for 2 weeks to SE Spain.  Tis one of the wonderful things about memories when you look back & forget all the bad bits (not sleeping properly for 2weeks, lack of self-catering facilities, hills, work etc)  it will probably be remembered as quite a good trip! 
We spent ~8 days going to different locations looking at different rocks & deposits, identifying then & how they formed etc. had a "consolidation day" = day off to catch up on work & prepare for test in evening.  Then did 4 days independent mapping - in pairs as health & safety wont allow us to go off on our own!  Then a final day of panic writing up and finishing off maps & cross sections.  Nearly all the work done on the trip is assessed & forms the majority of a module.

I was 20 while we were out there.  Tis kind of scary in someways.  Doesn't feel much different.  A small group of us went out in the evening for dinner, but then that happened most nights as there were no self catering facilites at the hostel (except a BBQ).  Was nice that it didn't rain while we were there.

Got back late & 4 days later (monday) lectures started again - so much for easter.
Did get to see a few people on the friday in b'stoke which was great fun & nice to see people again!  was a shame more people couldn't make it.

I passed my Driving Theory test today.   :)
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