Feb 01, 2021 22:34
Hi hello.
I guess it's been a while since I last posted (heck, I saw my last entry into LJ was 2018 my goodness). Well, I don't have much of an excuse...I started university in 2016 and it's been generally hectic since then, and I found myself having less and less me-time as well. My personal time became inner thoughts stressing over having to find a job with a steady income; passing my exams; sorting out adulting properly...and I've found that I have had less and less time to enjoy what really made me happy.
With this, I do cringe at some of my posts from when I was in Jr High and High School, so I'm just gonna private them all. Not going to lie they are kinda guilty pleasures for me to look back and hit myself for but I don't think I would want the internet to see them any longer LOL.
I'll also attempt, for the third time, to keep this active as a space for me to write and rant about my life and my interests...honestly, its just a way for me to keep my English and writing skills from deteriorating any further... Thank you if you havent removed me as a friend hahaha you can find me on twitter tbh I'm way more active there, but I'll try to be the same here!
Feel free to ask for my Twitter haha
life update,