Could my ultimate dream srsly be true?

Jan 08, 2010 22:18

What started as a huge "What if?" has become one of the most backed up-totally out there ideas I have ever come in contact with.

• They’ve been pushing Derek/Owen friendship.
• Hiring Teddy, i.e., hiring another attending.
• Eric Dane not spotted on Grey’s set.
• Less pictures than even the chief in the promo pictures.
• Decreased amount of Mark and Derek scenes, (besides the last episode, which can be explained because everyone was together in that episode a lot due to the holidays, and obviously, Sloan)
• Leven Rambin could’ve been either putting finishing touches on the Crossover episode (audio fixes and such), or putting on a charade under Shonda’s request.
• Audra’s tweet: @k8_walsh is very talented in her acting scenes 2day...except when she is drooling.. // Possibility this could be about Eric Dane, obviously there’s no proof, but still.
• “I think I might move here, this feels right.” These are two separate audio files, but the “This feels right” couldn’t possibly be about something else, (ex: if he was referring to his relationship with Lexie being legitimate and real he would’ve said “it” not “this”)
• Thanks to Rach’s magical friend who lives in LA and knows people in the business and nearly killed Rach of a heart attack: Apparently, Shonda’s original plans for the spin-off were that she wanted to bring both Kate and Eric to a new show. However, ABC wouldn’t allow her to take both stars, so she chose Kate. Obviously if this was the plan, there has to still be some sort of backup plan to get them together, somehow. She wouldn’t just drop the entire thing.
• Eric Dane’s had less screen time, aside from last episode because of Sloan.
• Why would Shonda let Mark and Addison go there again if there's not something in the works? Like, she's always trying to keep the shows separate and they never talk about each other. It's weird that Mark and Addie would sleep together and then go their separate ways and then have nothing come of it.
• What is the entire point of bringing Sloan down to LA? Why couldn’t Addison finish the surgery in Seattle? What is the point of putting Mark into a situation where he’s spending alone time with Addison if there is no potential future there?
• In the promo pictures for the January 21st episode Lexie is seen in Meredith’s kitchen, looking sad and guilty, rather than in Mark’s apartment.
• ONE WORD: INTERVIEWS, what is the point of all these interviews coming up? Announcement, perhaps?
• Shonda usually calms freaking out fans down, she hasn’t said anything to any Mark and Lexie fans (ex: she tweeted to someone a while ago on how Teddy wouldn’t ruin Crisitna and Owen, and to calm down)
• Then there’s the obvious, the way they interact in the sneak peeks. The absolute raw chemistry, the painfully cute “I adore you” the Mark telling Sloan about Addison… this isn’t all for nothing, it can’t be.
• If Sloan dies, don't get me wrong, I love Sloan, but if she dies it raises the possibilty of Mark moving by about 214385358 percent. And, from Mark crying/being upset/whatever at the end of the third promo and the fact that she hasn't been made a series regular (when Teddy has), there's a pretty decent shot she might die. Also: (to explain the whole not being made a series regular thing), what other reason would there be to just get rid of her, "Oh, Sloan decided to go home?" No. It can't be.
• Plastic Surgeon = LA.
• Okay, how in the hell I overlooked this, beats the hell out of me. Shonda tweeted: Yes. RT @WalaBridget Just asking is there's gonna be anything major this season? --- That's proof enough for me. Mark moving? Hello major.
• Qu - How long do we have to wait for Addie's true love ? 5 seasons is too long !
SR - I agree
Qu - But you're the brains behind the operation ! Don't you decide ?
SR - Has to be the exact right guy for Addie.
• Qu - What is the time lapse between seasons and episodes? Mark already loves Lexie?
SR - He never said he loved her.

Full Circle:

Anyone who is familiar with Shonda Rhimes is aware of her obsession with things going full circle. Well, here we go:

Addison wanted to be with Mark, but he got scared, cheated, and she did everything she could to go back to the safer choice, aborted the baby, tried to forget Mark. Then, she wants Mark again, but she's too afraid he's going to hurt her again. He's Mark. He can't commit, he doesn't want a family, so she goes with who she thinks could be the safe choice, Alex. But now, she's going to see Mark and he had a stable relationship, and he's doing the dad thing and he was succeeding. It took all of that for each of them to grow enough to actually be together. Addison had to learn that there is no safe choice, whereas Mark had to learn how to commit, ect. In the end both Mark and Addison realize he's capable of being faithful, he's capable of actually being with her, and Mark finally realizes that maybe he isn't just one big complete fuck up.

Reasons Against:
• Eric Dane not spotted on PP set.
• Leven Rambin’s tweets about being on the Grey’s set.
• No spoilers whatsoever, usually there would be something.

Written mostly by me and hopelessly_lazy. We tried to not get our hopes up, we really truly did. Feel free to add more reasons for or reasons against, I want this list to expand.

! epic shit, ! public, ship: mark and addison

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