May 31, 2005 22:27
i love my friends, i love my family, but i feel like i'm ready to move out. it's not just a matter of freedom from my parents (although that plays into it), and i realize how difficult it is going to be, but i want to go. this city...this state...i'm not settled here anymore. so, at this point i would say it's safe to assume this is my last summer here. next year i plan to be living either in millersville or a beach area, with a summer job, and then i'll have an apartment on school junior and senior year. on one hand i'm not happy to be thinking so far in advance, but it is something for me to look forward to, and something to work for, so i'm sticking with it. but i'll just try not to concentrate on it too much.
and now since i am bored...
// Ver.1
--Name: Madeline
--Birthdate: May 20
--Birthplace: Bethlehem, PA
--Current Location: Bethlehem, PA
--Eye color: brown
--Hair color: brown
--Height: 5'6"
--Weight: more than ashley olsen, less than queen latifah
--Righty or Lefty: riiiiiight
--Zodiac Sign: taurus
--Innie or Outtie: innie :P
// Ver.2
--Do you have a job?: indeed
--Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope.
--What was your biggest secret?: i killed my hermit crab
--Can you do anything crazy with your body?: i can fold my tongue into a flower, taco, do waves, touch my nose, etc.
--Whats your favorite color?: blue!
--If you have a car; what is it?: 1998 plymouth voyager. hell yes minivan
--Medical problems?: nope.
--Favorite place to be?: anywhere with my close friends...but if alone? the beach at sunrise/sunset
--Best Friends?: they know
--Any Websites?: millersville women's rugby :D, webshots
// Ver.3
--Your Heritage: oh lord...greek, PA dutch, german, french, swiss, welsh, english
--The Shoes You Wore Today: flip flops of course
--Your Weakness: sugar
--Your Fears: alone in the dark
--Your Perfect Pizza: thick fluffy crust, nonchunky sauce, lots of mozzarella
--One thing You'd Like to Achieve: less concern with others' opinions
// Ver.4
--What is your most overused phrase?: sex pot
--Your first thoughts waking up: "how many extra minutes can i sleep"
--The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: the whole face...especially smile
--Your best physical features: i guess my smile, one time when i was in puerto rico, a shopkeeper told me i have a beautiful smile in spanish randomly
--Your bedtime: whenever...usually 11-12
--Greatest Fear: people i care about getting hurt
--Your Most Missed Memory: horseback riding
// Ver.5
--Pepsi or Coke: don't drink soda
--McDonald's or Burger King: eh i'll pass. arby's or wendy's
--Single or Group Dates: single! duhhhh
--Adidas or Nike: adidas
--Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
--Cappucino or coffee: cappucino
--Boxers or Briefs: boxer-briefs
// Ver.6
--Do you smoke?: no
--Cuss?: yes
--Sing Well?: in the shower
--Do you think you've been in love?: no. waiting for tom cruise to go younger than katie holmes. (19 isn't that young, tom!)
--Want to go to college: been there, love it
--Liked High School?: yes
--Want to get married?: yes
--Type with fingers on the right keys: mostly
--Get motion sickness: when reading in the car
--Think you're attractive: once in a while
--Think you're a health freak: pfffft hell no. i enjoy healthier foods now though.
--Get along with parents: yea
--Like Thunderstorms: yes!!!
// Ver.7 - in the past month, did/have you:
--Consumed Alcohol: yes
--Have Sex: no
--Made Out: yes
--Gone On Date: ummmm no
--Go To the Mall: holy shit no! wow i gotta get on that.
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no...that's jacki's job haha
--Eaten Sushi: that's a negative
--Gone Skating: no
--Made Homemade cookies: no
--Been in Love: no
--Gone Skinny Dipping: if the shower counts
--Dyed your hair: nope
--Stolen Anything: haha well we help ourselves at the deli
// Ver.8
--Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
--Been trashed or completely intoxicated: hehe
--Been caught "doing something"?: nope.
--Been Called a "Tease": yes. not cool.
--Shoplifted?: when i was a wee child! it was a TINY toy! TINY!!
// Ver.9
--Age you hope to be married?: year or two after college? so like, 22-24ish?
--Numbers and Names of Children?: not a lot. babysitting = birth control. i know better lol. names...not so sure. i like lots.
--Describe your dream wedding: i've been thinking beach wedding, horse drawn carriage involved, lots of family, lots of alcohol, and the best damn time ever
--How do you want to die?: after i've seen my children grown, been in love, and seen some of the world
--Where do you want to go to college: i'm there. millville
--What do you want to be when you grow up?: teacher. and bartender/owner
--Most likely to visit?: my homies in wellsboro in 2 weeks and probably philly!