
Jun 04, 2008 22:26

ive lost a lot this last week.

earlier today i sat outside, happily singing along to whatever cheerful music i was blasting atm.
it was so warm, the weather completely perfect. and i came to think of how much i love my girlfriend.
well, my ex-girlfriend.

i hadnt talked properly to her for a couple of days, and when she logged on, i was fucking extatic. i love her.
i was so fucking giddy, so fucking happy  to talk to her...

that was before she broke my heart. told me she had to break up with me because leaving me again would be too much for her.
why would you break up with someone you love because you dont want to say goodbye again?
if she loves me as much as she says she does, why did she break up with me and then tell me to not contact her for a while..

im fucking speechless. im heartbroken. my first relationship ever lasted for a month. she opened my eyes to a new world,
she made me realize who i really am. and wow. im all by myself again. cold, crying and broken.
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