Name (or alias): Sars
AIM SN: bluejeandame
Name: Madeline Saurman
maddietoatPlayed By/Physical Description: PB: Dakota Fanning
Madeline is a small girl. She stands around 4'5" and has a thin build from constant activities and picky eating. She has straight blond hair that goes to her shoulders, blue eyes, and a pale complexion.
Age/Birthdate: 11/November 13, 1994
Gender: Female
Wand: 10" Rosewood Dragon Heartstring core
Blood: Muggleborn
Birthplace/Location: Nottinham, England
Status or Class: Middle Class
Pet Name/Species: None
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: E
Charms: O
Herbology: E
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Muggle Studies: O
Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
History of Magic:
Optional Other Subject #1:
Optional Other Subject #2:
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character: bubbly, impressionable, whimsical, disciplined, girly, friendly, adventurous, bold, charismatic, naive
Maddie is someone who will skip down the hall saying hi to everyone, whether she knows them or not. She's not afraid of anything it seems, and she's more than willing to boast her feelings out loud about a subject. She's a bit naive about the world and quite impressionable when it comes to opinions, beliefs, or just who to be friends with. She is whimsical, but in the same breath she won't tolerate it when you try to pull her from her studies. You work before you play! No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
When she sets her mind to something, Madeline can do just about anything. She revels in challenges and knows how to discipline herself after years of ballet and horse riding. She's friendly and open with just about everyone she meets and is unafraid of new situations. She's full of life and doesn't like to be pulled down by anything. She's a hard worker and can prioritize and get things done efficiently and effectively when she wants to. She is, in general, just a very happy person that loves to smile and get along with people. She doesn't want people to be angry or petty. Instead everyone should have a good time, as long as they are getting their homework done. No fun until the work is done!
Maddie is the strongest, at the moment, in Charms and DADA. She likes to perfect the wand movements and loves the fact that she could do things to objects, like make them float. Or defend herself. Plus, she's a hardworker in her other classes, so she does fairly well in those as well.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Maddie may be social, but she doesn't really concentrate on maintaining and keeping relationships. She's very fickle and a bit whimsical. She'll smile and joke around with someone just as easily as she would laugh at them behind their back. She's not doing it to be mean, she just thinks it's what you do. If she has to laugh about a few people to meet new people, well there's no harm in that to her. Besides, they would do the same to her. She also hates when she is wrong, or when someone doesn't pay attention to her. She can get rather persistent and annoying until all attention is on her, even if it means she gets hexed. In addition, she's naive and sheltered, meaning she doesn't get that others aren't exactly like her. She's easily impressionable and will say anything to make sure that she gets along with the person she's talking to at that moment. She's also a bit rigid about what she's doing, and won't bend easily to doing something if she doesn't want to. She's very passive aggressive.
Some of her worst subjects are History of Magic and Potions. She doesn't get why they need to learn about dead guys, and while she loves to make potions and cook...she's not very good at it. She's horrible in fact, but she still tries very hard.
Maddie's dream is to be successful enough so everyone knows her name. She wants to be famous, by what means she doesn't care about, she just wants to be famous. And by being successful, which in her mind equals being rich, she wants to travel the world and see everything.
Her one biggest fear is to be alone. She never wants to be forgotten or left behind, so she tries to make sure that she's one step ahead of everyone.
Richard and Heather Saurman first met when they were 33, already quite secure in their careers and lives. After a few years of on-off semi serious dating, they struck an agreement. They both enjoyed enjoyed each others company, so why not get married and just 'seal the deal' as you will? And they did just that. A year later they found out that Heather was pregnant and it surprised them both quite a bit.
But they were enthusiastic when Madeline, or Maddie as they later called her, was born. She was a few weeks early, but already was quite a handful. She was a baby that charged into life, waking her parents at all hours of the night and day with her cries, but as happy and bubbly as can be when awake. As she grew up, her smile remained and her blond hair seemed to be brighter.
She was a bit spoiled by her parents, both seeing her as being one that could do no wrong. They had her in ballet classes for a year or two until a playmate mentioned that she took horseback riding lessons. Maddie immediately went to her mum and pleaded for days on end to have some lessons. With some careful consideration her parents consented, hoping it was just a phase, but watched as it turned into one of her passions. That, along with ballet, helped unleash her never ending energy, as well as make her focus on an activity and learn discipline.
It showed in her school work as well. From an early age she was the student that would often be friendly with just about everyone, but would work hard when she was home so that she could do what she wanted later. She could get a little testy if things didn't go her way, but usually she seemed to be no more than your normal little girl.
When she turned 11 and received her letter she immediately was excited to go, even if it might be a 'fluke' as her parents would whisper about. She waited a whole year, quite impatiently, until it came her time and then she said goodbye to her parents (a bit too quickly they thought) and hurried into the wizarding world.
At Hogwarts she was sorted in Slytherin, and surprisingly enough was not as homesick as some other of the first years were. She loved the new people, environment, and excitement. From the first day of her studies though, she has been diligent and has done everything as well as she possibly can, if not better.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Just her mom and dad.
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. Noope
Year: 1st
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house? Maddie is very ambitious. She has goals in life and is determined to get them by any means necessary. She always wants to be one step ahead of everyone and is determined to make sure that things go her way.
MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: Nada.
Character Alliance: None for right now. She's so new to it all and hasn't really thought about it enough to make up her mind.