I'm up with J right now, then I'm going to get another couple hours of sleep before making some calls and heading back to the hospital.
Mom was better, but still not good, last night. She was sleeping a lot, but knew us and talked to us when she woke up.
Robbie and Chrisey are coming back up this morning. Dr. Fernando told us he doesn't believe she'll get any better, and seeing her get worse every day fr a couple of weeks, I can agree. I just don't want her to suffer, and I'm confident that Dr. Fernando won't let that happen.
Last night I read your comments to the post
mrs_sweetpeach made for me, and they helped so much. I was exhausted, and it had been such an emotional day. We were in ER nearly all day before they moved us to a room, and I wouldn't leave - - she kept trying to take her oxygen off and get up. Reading your lovely messages before I went to bed cheered me up a lot. Love you guys!
I'll be in touch when I can.