I've actually dome this one before, but this time, it's not the usual suspects.
Possibly there are some repeats, but I tried to do alternative characters for my favorite actors.
Dennis Knoll, HLotSSince I think I maybe said Elliot Stabler and Chris Keller before, this time I'll go with Dennis. He's sexy, a smart ass... *sigh*
Eddie Drake, Wanted Because he's just so sexy and nasty.
Cory Raines, Highlander He's just so... you know?
Steven Caldwell, SGA Looks good in a uniform, and he's very commanding.
Colonel Christopher Brandon, Sense and Sensibility *If* I didn't say Snape before. Snape always comes first. But how can you not love Brandon? Such devotion.
Captain Mike Steele, BHD That bald head, that southern accent!
Seeley Booth, Bones Even if - - or maybe because - - he's a man whore.
Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood Need I say more?
James Norrington PotC *Scruffy* Norrington - - the best thing in PotC2.
And my girlcrushes:
Zoe Washburn, Firefly She's way hot.
Faith Lehane, BtVS I didn't realize she had a last name until
savvyjack18 told me.
Starbuck/Kara Thrace, BSG Hot *and* angsty.
Is that more than 10? I forgot to number them!