General update

Aug 01, 2022 15:59

Since I've started keeping a paper journal again, I am awful about posting here and on FB(other than memes).

Walmart still sucks. I just feel like I'll never get out. J's been at his job for a year now. He's gotten his second certification and will get another by the end of the year. He hasn't gotten a raise since right after he started. He's going to give it at least until after his next certification and if he hasn't gotten a raise, he'll start looking at other jobs, since he'll have experience now. I could've already left Walmart to work somewhere else, except J works for a small company with no benefits. And we can't give up the insurance at Walmart with pour health issues.

These cats are going to be the death of me. Jem got sick Friday, some kind of respiratory thing. He's on an antibiotic and isn't worse, but he isn't well, so he's going back to the vet tomorrow. This caused a major crisis for me. I don't like I have favorites, but Jem, Bucky and Shuri are my favorites. Jem, especially. It's weird, because when we decided to get second and third cats, I chose Fitz and J chose Jem. But then Jem chose me. He has nearly always come to bed with me and cuddled before moving to my pillow or the foot of the bed. If he's had a bad day or senses that I have, he'll knead my neck when he comes to cuddle. He's done that the last few nights. I'm keeping a close eye on him, Fitz and Sam because of the leukemia and I panic every I see signs they might be sick.

Then Jem seemed sick on Saturday. He just wanted to sleep and felt all hot and clammy, like he had a fever. He fought off whatever it was and is fine now, but, possibly coincidentally, he and Misty started having issues. Fitz has never liked the other cats to approach him. To this day, he hisses at them. Misty started coming up to him - - Misty, our most skittish cat - - and when he hissed at her, she chased him. This went on all afternoon, and off and on yesterday, but they seem to have mostly settled their differences now. Was it because Fitz was sick? Misty's not doing that to Jem. Is it because Fitz has been more irritable, and Misty took offense? They're both fixed, so I don't feel that could be an issue.

And this unbearable Georgia heat is not making things better. I think, if it weren't for sitting with Lily, Butterscotch and the other cats, I would just stop watering my flowers and vegetables. Well, the flowers would be harder, but this heat has taken its toll on the veggies. Nothing is growing like last year, except the okra. The tomatoes are absolutely disappointing. I've gotten a few cucumbers, but my yellow squash bloomed, but died before producing. And I cannot keep a patty pan squash alive even long enough for it to bloom.


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