Mar 19, 2020 18:42
Today's good thing: the best thing I can say about today is that Walmart finally limited how much shit these hoarding MFs can buy. They were mad, too. I have had it with these rude, greedy, entitled customers. I mean, I didn't like them already, now I like them less.
I also heard this gem today: a woman was there with her daughter and, I guess, husband. She was talking to a friend and was like, "Yeah, we stayed inside for 2 days, but we got tired of that." So they decided to come to Walmart to possibly get infected or infect people. This is why we're doomed. People are just too fucking dumb to live.
I'm sorry, but we're all stressed, expecting to get sick, getting back talk from these moron customers and they just keep coming. I'm sick of these crazy QAnon nuts.
There was a small bright spot. Early this morning, I had a customer, probably in his 50s, shopping for him and his mom, who is in her 70s. He said his brother, who is a Republican and Trump nut, comes to see his mom and hugs her and just goes wherever he wants because he doesn't think this is serious. I rarely get to talk politics at work unless Denise is there, so it was nice to talk to a fellow sane person and I told him as much. He really won me over by saying how much he misses Jon Stewart on the Daily Show and how much we need him now. So I had at least one awesome customer today.
coronapocalyse 2020,
good things