My Day Out In London -The Little Dog Laughed

Jan 29, 2010 11:14

I must apologise for my rather manic expression but i my defence i had just seen this man on stage NAKED!! Hey! I'm 3 months pregnant i need all the excitement i can get!! lol

My new fangirl object!!
So Wednesday finally saw Rob & i heading to London to see Harrys new play "The Little Dog Laughed." It feels like i had the tickets for forever instead of just October of last year!!
Having read about the play & the numerous reviews i was both excited & a little bit unsure how i would take this play. Was really hoping that i wouldn't have to say i hated a play that Harry is in!
Actually i needn't have worried. It was great, very surreal tbh, with its storyline & the way it moved around at such a fast pace. But i liked what i saw...especially the butt porn going! I though Tamsin in her role as Diane was just amazing. She really had me believing who she was meant to be. Sadly no Gemma but her role was played well by her understudy & face it...i was there to see Harry so everyone else was always going to just be a bonus. I enjoyed Ruperts role too. Although i know who he is before i have not seen anything else he has i need to change that!
Not too sure about Harrys New York accent yet. I perhaps need to see again , now i have the excitment of going in the 1st place out the way.
Now my meeting with Harry was extremely short...but v sweet of course. This is mainly because i was unsure if i was going to want to (well feel up to) hang around & wait afterwards to meet everyone. However as we left the theatre my eyes moved to the stage door area that i had seen beforehand & well...i changed my mind. Rob didn't mind & i did say we'll only wait 20 mins or so then head off as i didn't want to be standing round too long atm. But we( I) were rewarded quite quickly & Rupert came out 1st ,so i got a picture with autographs as i hadn't bothered to take a pen. he lovely thanking me for coming to see the play...i feel another fangirl thing happening here...lmao!) Afterwards a few other people got autographs & pics.
He was shortly followed by Harry. I asked him if i could get my picture with him. i told him that it was an "interesting play" but that enjoyed it. I feel from last time that he is still quite shy around the whole being recognised thing. That may just be what i felt about it...not sure about others who have met him a few times too.Although in this photo he doesn't look like a rabiit trapped in headlights. LMAO! Anyway, i said thanks & he said thanks & bye. I then looked in amazement as he wandered up the road & NOONE else there approached him...even though i am pretty sure the other 2 girls there were fangirls like me & just didn't even register that i was with him. I don't know but it made me giggle anyway!
Rob told me when we were walking back to Charing Cross that Harry winked at me as he left...which...goddammit...i missed!! Noooooooooooooooooo! Ah well i will just take Robs word for it!!
Anyway was very tired as being at the almost 3 months pregnant mark i am so-o tired all the time & i missed out on an afternoon nap....i a not actually complaining about this, just saying!

harry lloyd, rupert friend, the little dog laughed

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