Does anyone else besides me really like this comic?
Besides the fact that there is a korean in it which makes me happy(and that he's bad ass) this comic is well drawn and I love the characters in their grisly fighting ways.
I also love that they have less than meaningful intentions and aren't good guys at all.
Plus when the girl kicked onto the scene... they don't plan on A. falling in love with her, or B. Shagging her.
One wants to eat her and the other wants to skin her alive.
I also like that they can't understand each other... though it seems the korean guy can understand some english?
The pirates in the plot are 'eh' but ummm... they add some hilarity to it...especially when they are running from big boss with demon inside of him.
Ummm it's also very very very very very very very violent.
I don't expect a masterful story telling. But mindless violence that's well drawn is always fun for me.