Aug 28, 2009 10:06
The gears in my head are turning right now, almost too fast for me to cope with. What I need is to assemble a team to help and change what I would consider to be a drastic error in the way that the psychological society views development. Freud said that we go through a series of challenges in our lives, from birth until death, and I believe that he and the psychological world has overlooked some of those challenges.
The standard development of the human is defined as follows:
Infant/toddler (1-4)
early childhood (5-8)
middle childhood (8-11)
adolescents (11-18)
young adulthood (18-35) *PROBLEM*
middle adulthood (35-50)
late adulthood(50-end)
death and dying
My main problem with this lump of ages between 18 and 35 is that there are more stages within that age than just "young adulthood". We go from being lumps of malleable clay to finely tuned instruments with specific purposes. My skills and knowledge at this stage in life are so dramatically different from those I will have in 14 years that trying to lump these ages into one developmental group pisses me off.
For my team, the people who will be studying people in all different ages lumped into the 18 to 35, I need 5 people (including myself):
Since there is a large chunk of activity in these ages devoted to working/education and becoming specialized, that is where the focus will be; in school and in the workplace.
1. An I/O psychologist (me) - somebody who understands organization of people on a larger scale and the social aspects that help with coherence within a group.
2. An Occupational therapist - somebody who understands the development of skills and of placement based on those skills, somebody who gets the challenges of who we are as is related to what we do.
3. A Clinical psychologist/therapist - a deep prober, somebody who can dig and dig and dig into the psyche and develop theories based on their findings.
4. A Cross-cultural specialist (cross cultural psychologist or anthropologist) - somebody who can help to apply theory and findings to different cultures around the world, although everybody on the team should work on a different cultural understanding - I understand Arab and Middle eastern culture and will learn more about the histories of them, and somebody else can do the same with Eastern European, Asian, etc. and possibly broken down even further nationally from there. We need a broad understanding of the world.
5. An actual developmental psychologist so that we can get the work organized in that kind of format. This is going to be comprehensive, it will not be a single study but rather multiple ones and will probably count for a master's thesis. The best way (I'm betting) to go about these things is to plan them out early so that you can hammer out the most work during the most productive time.
This will basically be my masters thesis and I pretty much only want people who are going for their masters or doctorate to work with me. I'm starting this assemblage now and will probably be about finished with it in my second to last or last year of my bachelors. This is serious and I need serious focus for this, wish me luck!