Jan 24, 2009 23:53
I think that the number one thing that everyone needs to do in life is admit to things. Nobody should do something and feel guilty for it and the best way to prevent this is by telling somebody else. Just saying it out loud or getting it out on paper can help you deal with your biggest issues. That is why, in this entry, I would like everybody who reads to post their top 5 fears. Fear is something that a lot of people are ashamed of and that makes no sense. Fear keeps us alive, keeps us from hurting ourselves and keeps us from hurting others. Never take it for granted, sometimes it can act faster than you. Respect your fear and live with it and someday learn to live through it, even if you shake the entire time.
From most feared to least feared:
1. Getting so into the habit of being a perfectionist that at the end of my life I look back and think of things that could have been. I want to do everything that I have planned and I want to do it god damn well.
2. Debt. Debt is an evil evil thing, compounded (haha, a pun!) by the fact that interest is unethical and a scam.
3. Stupid people slowing me down. If I'm running for a fire exit, I swear to god if some spandex wearing fast-food jockey gets in my way I am going through him/her.
4. The world ending before I finish what I've started while I'm alone with nobody to hug/kiss.
5. Death.