I am soo going to see this...
http://www.asia.si.edu/exhibitions/current/Hokusai.htm# and a review of the exhibition...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/03/13/AR2006031301870.html You see, this was the culture that I was missing...
The Freer Gallery, the Sackler's neighbor and its sister institution in the Smithsonian's national gallery of Asian art, owns the world's largest collection of Hokusai paintings, and a handful of his hanging scrolls or screens are often out on view. Almost all 50 of them can now be seen in the Sackler show -- and only there, thanks to the conditions governing the century-old gift of Charles Lang Freer, which ban moving his treasures beyond the Freer and Sackler walls. It's the first time since 1960 that the Freer's Hokusais have all been out together.