Previously: Tori aged into a teenager, the Ramond's adopted a cat named Henry, the girls went to prom, Joanne had a mid-life crisis, and Madison and Tori started a feud.
Oh, Jo... you've lost your touch. You're wearing normal people clothes.
Joanne: I feel so normal.
Joanne: This will not do.
Joanne: You free-loading flower! GET A JOB.
That's better, Jo.
Tori: My hair feels weird...
Tori: Is... Is my hair BLUE?!
She doesn't even bother to look innocent.
Madison: Shut up.
Joanne: Freaking teenagers, acting like they own the place.
Joanne (offscreen): At least Daniel is normal.
Harold finished his first book. Woot.
You two are standing awfully close to each other there... Joanne, please do something motherly.
Joanne: Leave me to my coffee.
Who booby trapped the sink? Ugh.
Joanne: Wah, wah, wah, I'm so full of teenage angst and I'm going to take it out on my little sister.
Joanne: Knock it off, Madison!
Madison: What the hell?! You're supposed be my mother! You're supposed to love me forever!
Joanne: And you're not supposed to be a b!tch to your sister.
Madison: Whatever, mom.
Madison sure isn't making any allies today.
The stress of having Madison for a sister is taking a toll on Tori.
I think that I'm the only one that finds the sneezing thing cute.
Madison, you do NOT need that coffee.
Daniel: It's my birthday! I'll finally get some attention!
I'm sorry bb. Happy birthday!
Hello, Mr. Artistic!
Tori: I smell like chicken.
So, apparently I forgot to pause. When I came back, everyone was in the red (except for Tori who was in the black).
We don't... we don't have a baby, Henry.
Tori, have you considered showering?
Madison had an award ceremony! No idea who those two teens are.
Sadly, Madison spends her birthday alone.
Stole your mother's clothes, did you?
Madison now has a Good Sense of Humor! She wants to be a World Renowned Surgeon.
Gah. Uhh... I nominate Joanne. ):
Note: I have not found a single vampire yet. This might take a while.
Harold: Such a beautiful picture...
What the hell, Harold? Get out of Madison's room. There are no pictures in there.
What is with this family and not showering?
Graduation day! There seems to be confusion on how to enter City Hall. Jo, you're a Governor... you should know this by now.
Madison graduated with highest honors! She was Valedictorian and voted the most popular (who didn't see that coming?).
I sent them out to eat. Joanne, as always, was not dressed appropriately, and has also corrupted Daniel.
I never knew Jo's boss was a crazy cat lady.
Oooh, look at all of Madison's awards. So proud!
Madison: Aw, am I in your way?
Tori: Just you wait until I'm not starving.
Well then.
Woah. Someone grew up well.
Damien: Woah, hey, no need to rush into kissing and things.
Madison: You don't want to kiss me?
I see you back there, Jo.
Madison: Am I too hot for you?
Joanne: I can't watch this. Must go pee instead.
Madison: It's all right, I get that-
Damien: Oh Gods, please don't.
Madison: Stop playing hard to get. I'm getting tired of it.
Jeez, Damien. You could at least hold her hand. You're her BOYFRIEND.
Madison: This is nice.
Daniel: This is horrifying. -commitmentissues-
Madison: Finally.
Damien: Oh, this isn't so bad.
Damien: First a kiss and now she wants a HUG? She expects too much from me!
We got no lovin' that night.
Doctor in training over here.
Madison: The queen doesn't even have a dress, is she REALLY a queen?
Congrats on the awards, Tori.
Joanne: Hot damn son, have I taught you nothing about hygiene?
Joanne: My children are hobos.