Dec 01, 2007 05:34
Due to OoC concerns everyone is likely aware of by this point (and the fact that everything I could think of to do to the guy was getting beyond ridiculous in my opinion), I'm dropping Genjo Sanzo from Econtra. All other journals have already been defriended, so please defriend him.
However, if anyone is interested in adopting this journal for Econtra or some other RP, please contact me on AiM at RPDichotomy or e-mail me at so we can work something out. Thank you!
Edit: Because I am a ditz and assume everyone already knows what's going on - quite simply, I just had a baby last month. I figure I should pull back my roster a bit and since Sanzo was the one with the least going on and would take the most work to get plot for, I dropped him. Nothing more and nothing less.
dropping sanzo :(