Aug 18, 2005 06:39
So the first day of school wasnt too extremely bad. I still dont like most of the people in my classes. I have so many of the annoying jocks and preps in my american studies class which is two classes in one so its a two hour class. They just really bug me cause they think that they are smarter and better and try to suck up to the teachers.
Other then that most of my classes are good. Im in a french class with all underclassmen because i was stupid enough not the take a foreign language before my junior year and my councelor made me take one. I didnt want to take one because im bad enough at speaking proper english let alone another language completely. I think ill be able to deal with school better this year so thats always a good thing.
They already gave us homework on the first day, it wasnt too bad because it was just reading but i know they are going to start giving actual homework out today and get started with most of the lessons. It sucks because im so worn out and my sleeping scedule is a nightmare at the moment. I still want a job so thats going to ware me out even more when i actually get one.
My sister is going to college at the end of the month but ive learned from her mistake of not getting a job while in highschool. She doesnt know if she will make it through because the government sucks and she lost my dads check which she should have gotten until she was 21 and she didnt have a job. Her school books alone cost 700 dollars and those were used ones. I want to be able to go to school out of the country, her college is just a state over and she is already having financial problems.
Now that i had an long boring entry im going to go get ready for another fun filled day at school. ~later~