(no subject)

Sep 03, 2006 12:51

School has been ok lately. Im basically passing all my classes which is always good. I still hate it and its stressful but over all I can handle it. I only had alittle bit of homework over labor day weekend and I have two days off of work. I went to Davids house yesterday which was fun because he was home for the weekend. I may go back today to hangout.

Work has been pretty good. My check was alright. It was about 170, it would have been 200 if taxes werent so much. I had to close on friday because someones baby went to the hospital and they needed some help. I didnt get home until 1 in the morning. I didnt care because it was more hours for me.

Im so excited. Im going back to dance class after 3 years of break. I finally get my point shoes in ballet and im in a cool jazz/lyrical class with some friends. Its exciting to me. I will finally finish my 10th year of dance. I quit because it was becoming to much for me but im going back because i know i can handle it and its something i want to do for myself.

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