I feel like this entry should be entirely in a small font of shame.

Jan 19, 2012 00:12


You know I've liked-but-not-adored Community, right? I mean, I've watched it, laughed at it, shipped the ship that you'd expect me to ship (most of you have been on my flist for years and years because I've become a fandom hermit, and a currently hibernating one at that, and I'd be the first to admit that I have a type and am verrrrry easy), but not... adored, fangirled, rewatched obsessively, etc.

This is a thing of the past, as a stressful and traumatizing Christmas-to-New-Year - my aunt was in hospital and not really expected to survive (she's on the mend now*) and two of my foster kittens died, one of them in a horrible and painful way and one because I took him in for euthanasia on New Year's Eve (and then spent the rest of the night disinfecting the room they'd lived in) - left me with the overwhelming need to distract myself with something fluffy, and, well. I have since watched all of Community. Twice. Some episodes... more than that. I may or may not be in the process of forcing my mother to watch it. Other people in my life have been subjected to endless and ever-changing opinions on The Best Part about Community Is [the Halloween episodes/the Christmas episodes/shadow puppet shows/the first paintball episode/the dean/the Mafia movie episode/blanket forts and conspiracies]. To say that I have read every fic in the fandom would be an exaggeration... but not by much. In short, my sudden and ill-timed love for this little show that could(n't) cannot be textually rendered, and it is making me feel about equal parts elated (how long has it been since I felt this way about a show? A long-ass time, that's how long) and morose (hiatus and impending cancellation).

Uuuuugh. In short, this is wonderful/terrible. I may need icons, although I let my paid time lapse so... IDK, guys, IDK. I remember when comedies didn't do it for me. Those were sadder, more Galactica-infested times. (Is turning to crap better than an unwished-for-by-me cancellation? Uuuugh.)

*although still in hospital, but at a point where she is in need of entertainment. You're all smarter than I am, so: suggestions for entertainment for the bedridden? She has requested and been hooked up with the newest Doctor Who and an unabridged reading of Bleak House, but once she's done with those... suggestions? Slings & Arrows? Terry Pratchett? Community?


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