Picspams: Cat paws and Sweet Swirl Buns

Feb 27, 2009 22:17

IS THERE, LIKE, AN IDIOT'S GUIDE TO LIGHTROOM? I've been using Photoshop CS2, since, uh, 2006? Something like that, and Elements before that, and the jump between those didn't feel like a problem at all, but Lightroom is weird and confusing and I don't understand what the fuss is all about, you can't even do layer masks (I think). OH GOD AM I GOING TO HAVE TO BUY PS CS4, TOO?

Anyway, laboriously edited on ye olde no-longer-internet-capable laptop (sob):

1. Cat pictures for lage_nom_ai. More specifically, paws! More specifically, Major's paws, since he was nice enough to show them in almost-decent light the other day.

2. Oh, look, it's a food picture! I was only making Shrove buns for three people, so I used the rest of my sweet bun dough for these cinnamon-almond... swirl things. Basically, you roll out a sweet yeast dough, smear it with goop of your choosing (mine was butter, ground almonds, sugar, cinnamon and cardamom), fold it over, cut out strips, cut each strip almost-in-two lengthwise, wind, and roll up. Uh. WOW, THAT IS NOT A HELPFUL DESCRIPTION. AT ALL. I will make some more tomorrow and take pictures to illustrate, because it's really quite simple and also delicious.

(with Shrove-buns-to-be on the side)

recipes, let them eat cake, kitty picspam

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