1. IT SNOWED. OK, so it was like a millimeter or two, you can still see the green of my lawn (well, you could, the five minutes it was light), but whatever. STILL COUNTS.
2. I am done done done with cookies. In fact, I only have to wrap presents and, uh, caramelize onions, and vacuum everywhere, and wash the kitchen floor, and decorate the gingerbread, and find somewhere to put the leftover cookies, and then I'm done with everything, ever.
3. I have an mp3 player full of new goodies, thanks to various flisters and bloggers sharing their 2008 favorites.
4. The Terrible Wrongheaded Yarn Box has turned into a K-cat cuddle-central. They've slept there almost every night since I moved it to my room, and it's hella cute, and Emi doesn't bother them there for some reason. The only downside is that it's on my table, right up against a corner of the room, and sometimes Minor's freakishly loud purring wakes me up. I think the walls make it echo.
5. My grandfather is (probably-hopefully-don't-jinx-it) getting to come home for a few hours tomorrow, so we can have a proper Christmas sauna followed by hot rice pudding at his place. This is one of those things where I really don't know what I'll do with myself once the tradition breaks, and I'm just... well, not ecstatic or anything, but incredibly grateful to get this last chance at it.
6. I have a non-wrongheaded yarn to knit socks out of after Christmas!
7. There was a box for me at the post office, and I made it there in time to pick it up before they closed, and
bijoux is a crazy-awesome procurer of chipped goods, and also has the neatest handwriting I've EVER SEEN. Thank you, darling! I'm currently swimming in cookies (not literally, because that would be weird, but melting down all the butter I used would have made for a very nice foot bath at least. Um.), but I'm going to have so much fun with these when those're gone!
All of you. You brighten my days and have been an incredibly important part of the Keeping Me Sane Through 2008 project. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with fabulous foods and baked goods and good company and delightful presents, and an even better new year. ♥