fuk shool

Mar 22, 2005 16:22

so today some bitch tried to get me a three hour detention and pay that hoe 20 dollars because i told a nun to shut up.heres the story.............................................................................................................................................................................so today i was in biology and my techer decides to take my note book that i have everything personal written in it's basically my whole life writen on paper that i've been writting in forever and obviously i got pissed as hell man.she takes it and i pulled it back and i was like "wtf what are you doing" and she was sitting ther telling me about how shes gunna take it.i gave it to her in trust that she would not read it nd i turned around and she was reading it.i grabbed it and told her "don't fuck with sit thats not hers and its my shit .she has no fucking business going through my shit" and the fact that their were a few curse words thrown in there got her alittle pissed and she took it and i got up and walked out of the class when she dipped and she told me to get inside so she walked back in the calss and i followed her and some fuking nun comes out of fuking no where and is calling my name continuously and i told her "nobody cares" .then me and the other teacher continued arguing and i told her i wasn't going to sit down and i wasn't going to leave her alone untill she gave me my note book that was not her business to be reading.then that fuking nun came out of no where again and i told her to shut up and i don't care what she had to say....i was a little mad lol.then my teacher tried to justify her reading my shit and i was obviously fighting back cuz thats bullshit so i grabbed the not book tol her to fuk herself and then she called security................they came and took me to the principal and he told me he needed it for "safety reasons" FUCK THAT SHIT BITCH!YOU CAN KISS MY ASS.anyway he told me the only thing he would allow is he read the first page and see if it resorts to violence......so he read the first page looked me dead in the eye and said "i am so sorry" he said he was going to talk to this teacher about the whole situation.YEA BITCHEZ!!!I GOT OUT !!he also said i was a good writer.....wtf man?lol i hate people who get in my business.they seriously need to find something better to do man.
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