Motherfucking Space Wasps!

Aug 20, 2007 17:49

Hello world!

I'm still about, just one of my habitual quiet times. Life's generally going ok with me now, I've settled down after my cousin's funeral (Going to SoS and whomping assholes with spears does wonders for grief)

Work continues to plod along, not massively busy. Mostly crippled because the all of the mail hamsters that ran our email server caught a mutant version of mixamatosis from some fucked-up rabbit whore and died. Despite my protests work raised them as undead so they're vaguely working but as they're a bit slower than live hamsters I have 3-24hr delay on all external emails, making me a bored and lonely puppy and work currently. I suggested instead of zombie hamsters maybe using some of the backup chimps but it turns out they're all infected with motherfucking space wasps and have become living hives, making them patently unsuitable for use in an email server. Selfish pricks.

I love the new batch of funny icons. I'm gonna have to get some I think. I've got one or two I like but they're all too big and I can't be fucked resizing them.

Due to the slight quietness at work, I've managed to get loads more done on my pipe dream, World's End LRP. Namely, all of the magic rules are now up, including two of the four sample spellbooks. Got a few little more tweaks and sections then that's the entire rules side written, and I can get to work writing the background. Who knows, I may even run it at some point. In related news, after speaking to Mikey, we have other really good ideas in the pipeline, so watch this space. Or, ideally, the space of someone who actually updates their LJ more than once a year.

Seriously looking at getting a house together. Gonna speak to respective parents this weekend, and see what happens. My Uncle buys and sells properties, so he said he can sort us out with a great financial advisor and mortgage peep, even with my shitty wages, so there's a potential there.

Have downloaded 9Dragons by Acclaim. It's a MMORPG-thingy, but it's completely free. It may be chod, but I don't care. It's free! This is in an effort to stop me buying and spending money on WoW or LotRO, as I am poorer than a very poor person who's just been robbed by a bastard monkey. Infected with Space wasps. Bastards.

That's about everything. Stay cool everyone!
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