Silence... its ALL THE RAGE!

Jan 24, 2007 13:25

I'm not one to bitch about on my LIVEJOURNAL, but, I seriously need to do some venting. LJ is always a better place to vent than myspace or the boards themselves.

So the rules were lifted for a day. That's happened before, more than once. EVERYONE knows the outcome. People bitch and moan at eachother, say hurtful things and people's feelings get hurt. Often times, it is just kids talking shit. Kids that know NOTHING, just talking shit to be hateful and hurtful. How does this "better" the electronic music scene in Arizona? Or globally for that matter since that's what they're trying to accomplish with that site.

I understand that certain people/promoters/djs/whatthefuckever NEEDED to be called out, but why can that only happen for ONE DAY? If we are trying to keep this scene a positive place for people to be, to keep it alive, why can't these people be called out whenever needed? Why must we keep quiet and sit there and watch people like DJ Gary and DJ Skye become idols in these kid's eyes? Why can't we bitch about promoters we dislike and are shady? When did educating our newbies dissapear and lies and silence appear? I don't understand why silence has become the thing that will better this scene. When has keeping quiet ever changed anything?

So said people were called out. I didn't see most of the shennanigans so I don't know what was said, but did it accomplish what it was suppossed to accomplish? I can bet you that it didn't. That site has become so "cliquey" that its not going to effect ANYTHING, except that now certain people know how certain others feel about them, which, they probably already knew before. Now the mess has been cleaned up, like it never even happened. Brushed under the rug, never to be mentioned again. So what was revealed will never be known by people who didn't stop by the infoline on Sunday. What REALLY was the point of this little "rule lift"?
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