In the spirit of the last entry, I am not doing my regular spell checking and the like. I said everything would make more sense with this post, so, here you go... I have dyslexia. Big deal, right? I thought nothing of it until I realized, I had no actual clue what dyslexia is, and this entry is going to cover some of that, as well as how I
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Well, I understand how many people will see a few symptoms, and with that, they assume they are the rest, (If it walks like a duck...... then it must be a duck) and I am also familiar with people who are hypochondria, the somatoform disorder where you have a few symptoms of something (something my extremely nonsupporting girlfriend has more than brought up recently), so it has been extremely important that I make sure not happen in my case. Now, since the information I pulled up was on a personal webpage, that could be bias, and wikipedia, which speaks in and of iteslf (hehehe), I have not actually classified myself as such. I simply give myself about a 89.7 chance that it is true from what multiple information I have gotten thus far. Remember, I was not looking for this, it was information brought to me.
Thank you for the kind words, AND for being supportive, I do appreciate it very much. Still, as stated, while it can appear that I cope well, and in general terms I am, the fact is, the maddbrain has been attempting to understand what has been wrong all my life. If I now know, then it means the world to me, even if there turns out there is nothing that can be done about it.
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