Sep 26, 2005 22:57
Because they help me relax.......
1. Name someone with the same birthday as you: Honestly I haveno idea.
2. Where was your first kiss: In New Orleans,the Ramada Inn.
3. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else's property: No
4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex: Never.Actually only hit one guy in my life when I was 10.I'm extremely non violent.
5. Have you ever sang in front of a large number of people: Sevens years of choir and one year of show choir.
6. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex: Face and hair.
7. What really turns you on: Their mind.MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm......brains.
8. What do you usually order from starbucks: White Chocolate Mocha with Carmel and Whipped cream and 4 shots,but that's only one or twice a year.(I remember so well cause I use to trade pizza for coffee when I worked at Gumbys Pizza in Madison).I order bottles of flavoring syrup more often though cause they're only $7 there.
9. What is your biggest mistake: Taking my parents advice in general.It's bad,real bad.
10. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? Use to when I was younger.I'd get drunk and beat myself physically.Bang my head against the wall,punch myself.
11. Say something totally random about you: I jump,skip,hop and sing randomly almost at all times.It makes me feel good and makes people think I'm high.
12. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity: No,but my dad looked like Egon from Ghost Busters.
13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows: Just got done watching Sonic the Hedgehog. Chourus,"Sonic,he can really move.Sonic he's got an attitude.Sonic,he's the fastest thing alive.He's the fastest thing alive.He's the fastest thing ALIVE!!!!!
14. Did you have braces: No, But almost did(though my teeth are still alittle off center from not having them.)
15. Are you comfortable with your height: Yes
16. What is the most thoughtful thing someone of the opposite sex has done for you: For three years working at the Esquire Club in Madison I had never sat down to eat my meal "hot" and made sure all the tables were clear so the wait staff wouldn't have to bus their tables.Nora(a waitress) made me sit down and bussed my tables for me.I can sense kindness in people,and not many people had shown me kindness.I saw it in her then through her action.It touched me and made me cry.
17. When do you know it's love: For me it's after along time has passed in a relationship and the other person gives back every ounce of effort you put into the relationship.Notices the little things and wants to make you happy.
18. Do you speak any other languages: I know spanish pretty well,and know silent night in german.
19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon: No
20. What magazines do you read: None
21. Have you ever ridden in a limo: Nope
22. Has anyone you were really close with passed away: I've never been really close to anyone really.But alot of people close to me have died.My dad,my grandpa and grandma on my mom's side.My dad's parents,but I wasn't close to them.And two friends:Dave who was this awesome hippie guy who did too much acid and fell in the river and drowned in New Orlenans(2001).And Pat who overdosed on heroin.Pat's story is especially sad.He was only 17,had rich parents for which love was replaced by money.He found love in a drug and me and my roommates were the last ones to see him an hour before he killed himself...
23. Do you watch mtv: No
24.What's something that really annoys you: People spewing their ignorance around or pushing their views on you.Not respecting your private or personal space.Basically assholes.(I work with a lot of them).
25. What's something you really like: Curry and elves.
26. Do you like Michael Jackson: In the 80's.
27. Can you dance: I definately got rhythm,but now just make it up as I go.I really want to learn the dance steps to Irish and Scottish folk music.I want to take a class in the next year.
28. What's the latest you have ever stayed up: Ha,Ha how about up for three days straight.No time limit!
29. Have you ever thought that you were honestly going to die: In California.I thought I was going to die any day back in 2002/2003.I'd didn't expect to be alive today.
30. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room: No. The sports trainer drove me there as fast as they could.The pain was unbearable and I was at the edge of passing out.I finally passed out when they were taking x-rays of my shoulder(It was a wrestling injury).