So far have I come, yet sometimes I feel like nothing has changed.

Jul 04, 2008 10:08

So I got another fucking cellphone after I went in to complain about my internet and voice mail weren't working, and they told me I haven't been able to send or receive text messages for about three days either. Apparently I didn't 'activate' it properly and now it is defective. At least they ship these pieces of crap fast.

the suckiest part of all this is that I called all the people I could find numbers to, and I told them to tell all my other homies (that I didn't have numbers to) and have them either call and leave a message, or send a txt with their number so that I would have it. I was beginning to wonder if nobody liked me anymore, as it had been about 3 days without a message of any kind.

Thats what I get for getting a refurbished phone. At least I have some of my phone book pieced back together, and I don't have to redo ALL of that. I'm going in to the frigging store to get it activated today, so hurrah. Maybe this one will work.

After that, I'm off to St. Louis to see some Cubbies and work my ass off. I should be reachable most the weekend (except from 7-12pm tonight, 1-4pm tomorrow, and 3-8pm sunday) as that is when the Cubbies will be playing, and I will be drinking.

OH YEAH!... I'll be in Florida unexpectedly next weekend (11th - 13th) we should all go out or something. too bad the Rays aren't playing. I had such a fun time even though the Cubs lost last time I was there.

PS: I purchased a Roor about 3 weeks ago, and I must say it is by far my favorite piece of paraphenalia I have ever owned. Smoother than butter, cool as ice, almost as thick as a brick and classier than crystal. Oh, did I mention, as functional as a motherfucker. I clean it at least twice a day, as it gets a lot of usage.

and because I'm SO Lj4L... some fitting Lyrics (only a day off)

Saturday in the park
Youd think it was the fourth of july
Saturday in the park
Youd think it was the fourth of july
People talking, really smiling
A man playing guitar
Singing for us all
Will you help him change the world
Can you dig it (yes, I can)
And Ive been waiting such a long time
For today
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