Sometimes I think if It'd be better if i just swore off the whole human rac

Jun 23, 2008 20:26

So Florida was fun for all the reasons that I wasn't expecting. I mean, the Cubbies lost all three games, but the times I had with the people I love was worth all the pain I felt as I didn't get to play GO CUBS GO once.

"It was so disheartening, but yet I still was all smiles and had a hellova time." I would say that best describes the entire adventure to the FLA.

But Chicago. That was a different story. What a weekend. Who would've Imagined that the Cubs would sweep the Sox, and I would get shitfaced every day, and get to hang out with *almost* all my best friends? Me and Chase got to see two Excellent games together, dragging Austin along the whole way. We went to BBQs, layed under picaso sculptures, met old friends in bars, got to see drive by truckers play, and then eventually drove those old friends from the bars home.

"We ate like the Superfans, slept like bears, drank like Irishmen, and smoked like Snoop Dogg."

Now it is back to dream of the next chance I can steal away to the world beyond scrap metal.

Oh, and:

I got my phone stolen. I will now require all of your phone numbers!
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