Yahoo! is still my homepage

Nov 18, 2008 14:36

It started long ago, but I still use Yahoo! as my homepage. Well, one of the 20 I have session saved. For searching, I use goodsearch, which donates $ to the charity of my choice per search. It's quick searched so I only have to type "g [search term here]." I have gmail, but it's linked to my outlook so I'm only on gmail when I'm...not on my computer. Oh, and I use gchat, because everybody decided to use that instead of AIM, but I use to implement both.

Anyways, the point of the post is not why I don't use google but rather that Yahoo! provides me with awesome articles that are completely vapid and targeted to a mainstream audience. This includes the news (but I get SF Chronicle, read for state news, and am always getting links/randomly checking other newsites). POINT IS, yesterday they had an article about what guys surprisingly like about you. Apparently one of the things is hair (but I knew that already so really, why do I read this junk?). Within the article, there was this link: which just made me realize (yet again), that my hair is awesome. I don't have to:

"Start from the back of your head and move forward. Run a little straightening cream through your hair-the less product you use, the longer your blowout will last-and dry two-inch sections using a large roundbrush.

For extra volume around the sides of your face, pull the round brush out to the side of your face instead of down as you go.

To curb frizz, warm up a tiny drop of anti frizz in your hands and run your palms lightly over your hair." (WHAT THE CRAP DOES THIS MEAN??? HOW MANY BRUSHES DOES THIS ARTICLE THINK I HAVE??)

Here's what I do in the morning. I, errr, wake up. Pull myself out of bed. Round the corner to the bathroom and then check that my hair is in place (it always is) and...the end. Good story right? Right.

Btw, reading my livejournal from the prospective of somebody I'm dating makes me the entire thing seem juvinelle. WHY DO I ALWAYS USE SO MANY CAPS? Really, I just updated on hair? Oh wells, hi pumpkin ;)
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