So…last night we buried Cassy. She has a nice shady spot in the garden. There was more leakage (Garry is as much of a big girly wuss as I am!) but things are a bit better this morning. This morning being…Garry’s 33rd birthday! How RUBBISH am I?! With everything that’s been going on, it had completely skipped my mind! Luckily I’m anal enough that his gifts have been bought/made/written for a couple of weeks, and I can pick up a card this lunchtime *blush*. We’re going out to dinner tonight with Kat and Ed (whose birthday was yesterday) so that should be fun.
Last night
quisalan and her bloke Russell came over. Russell’s training to be a cage fighter which, as far as I can make out involves mean, dirty fighting in all styles where the men wear gold lame thongs and try to bite each other’s willies off. (Admittedly this may be more from my imagination of what cage fighting is, but I’m sticking with the image.) It’s fairly roughty toughty anyway, and Russell won't actually be able to do it for a while cos the training is serious business!
Alas, we rapidly came to the conclusion that he’s going to be….the Worst Cage Fighter Ev0r!
There’s a variety of evidence for this. For a start, when offered a drink, he chose squash, followed by white wine :-)*. He then proceeded to talk about his ideal dog. Now, the dog of a cage fighter? Surely it should be something lean and mean? A Staffy perchance, or a German Shepherd? A Rottweiler? No…by all accounts, Russell’s ideal dog is…a sausage dog. A frankfurter on legs. (Perhaps he just wants to be reminded of his willy after it gets bitten off in a cage fight, I dunno.) Finally, there was playing with kittens (of which, pictures behind the cut). Krys and I were chatting, when we were suddenly startled by a scream of girlish outrage - Russell had been playing with Milli, letting her wobble-pounce on his fingers, and she’d got his finger in her mouth! The scream happened despite the fact that…she hasn't grown teeth yet.
So, the big butch cage fighter? He drinks white wine, wants a sausage dog and screams when he gets gummed by a three-week-old kitten.
Worst Cage Fighter Ev0r!
Anyways, a thoroughly pleasant evening was had. The pies played on the sofa, with Krys’s necklace, everyone’s fingers and each other’s tails. There was an amusing moment when Pen decided to bite Elmo’s willy (well, we laughed; that’ll teach the ginger boy to keep showing off his nether regions!) Krys has decided that Neeli looks like Cartman, and that the whole litter is actually the South Park litter, with Elmo being Kyle, Pen being Kenny and Milli being Stan. (Or possibly the other way round.)
Anyways, there are pics behind the cut!
First of all, a couple from Day 20. I was taking them of Milli, but Cassy is in there too, a few hours before she passed away. Then some of pies on the sofa. More may follow but now I have a meeting!
Neeli went climbing (possibly saying "screw you guys, I'm going home")
Here she is atop her perch - I do see the Cartman resemblance!
Meanwhile, the pies below are the Cutest Chocolate Box Pies since...the last litter :-)
Finally, it all got a bit much for Pen!
*yeah, ok, we don't keep beer in the house