In this entry, I use the word indignant -- correctly.

Jun 27, 2005 23:26

Another fight with my mom. Two in one night? Not unusual. This time, she threw away these hanging beads that she SWORE to me she would not throw away. I had made her promise she would put them somewhere safe and sound, since she forbade me from putting them up in my room, but I LOVED them and wanted to keep them. So I asked her about them today and she goes,

"Oh, those? I threw those away ages ago."

I probably could have dealt with the loss of those beads. I mean, sure, I can replace them, no big deal. But it was more the flippancy my mom used to tell me about them, when she knew they meant a lot to me. It's like saying, "Oh, Grandma? Grandma died ages ago." You just don't use that tone when you're talking about something that's important to someone else. Unless you're a bitch.

Not saying my mom's a bitch. She and I just have different views on things.

I just wish I could reverse our roles and throw away all the ugly shit in our house that's important to her.

The majority of my fights with my mom revolve around her throwing away or trying to throw away my belongings. It's not the belongings that matter; it's they way I feel like I don't matter. She has proven again and again and again that she doesn't care about my feelings. Well no...she "cares" about my feelings in that she always wants to do what's "best for me" and what will "make me happy". She just doesn't realize that the things that make her happy (cleaning out closets, throwing away CDs, opening other people's mail) aren't necessarily what make me happy. In other words, my mother is a MORON. And she really is. Everytime I get mad at her, even as I spell out perfectly clearly why I'm angry --

"Mom, I'm mad at you because you threw away the hanging beads that I specifically requested you to keep, and then you told me about it like I should be grateful to you for tossing them."

--she gets this obnoxiously bewildered and indignant look like "why are you angry? I don't understand." Sometimes she even says "Why are you angry? I don't understand." then I have to explain it to her again, kindergarten teacher esque.

Yes it's ridiculous to get upset over some useless hanging beads being thrown away. But my mother does this ALL THE TIME. Like seriously. All. The. Time. My dad and I have a special filing box in his closet for documents and mail and stuff of a sensitive nature, because if we leave anything anywhere in the house it's liable to be thrown away by my mom. Once she threw away my tickets to Thoroughly Modern Millie -- and they were in my room, on my desk, plainly looking important. (Luckily I salvaged them from the garbage can.)

ANYwhoo......whew, it feels good to vent. I know we all have unique relationships with our parents, and when we get in silly fights it's hard to portray the deeper meaning of why these fights are so aggravating to other people. There are several other reasons why it's hard for me to live with my mom, and I'll try to outline them later. Mostly, we're just two very very very different people.

My mom is a Cancer and I'm an Aquarius. She's emotional and possessive and I'm cold-hearted and freewheeling. I think that sums it up.

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