Coming Home..........

Mar 30, 2004 18:37

We rolled into Los Angeles in the middle of the night as usual. As we open the sliding door on the van to let the first one of us out, trash collected from the 2 day drive home from the east coast tour streams out like a waterfall. Coming Home after tour is such a weird feeling. Nothing really changes around here, but out there on the road, the excitement never stops. We played our hearts out for weeks, met some new great people and ran into alot of familiar faces. Touring is what we do best and what we love. To get a chance to see people responding to the new material off of "Under Suspicion" was a great feeling! Thanks again if you came out to a show or If you have bought a copy of the new record, It means alot to us. No new topic that I can think to talk about this week but if you've got anything you want to start up, have at it! Keep dancin!

Johnny Madcap
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