Another quality product from........

Aug 17, 2004 13:00

So yes I know It seems as if we would be off for a while due to Surgeries, tour cancellations etc..... but no you can't keep us away from it. In some corny way It's what runs through our veins you know. So before my operation we are going to play one last LA show at the Knitting Factory on September 20th with The Psychotics and Stillwell. We had a ( Read more... )

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Comments 29

opnionatdtwinky August 17 2004, 13:13:14 UTC
i hope your surgery goes well and that you make a safe and fast recovery :)


llamamidget00 August 17 2004, 13:21:37 UTC
What are you having surgery on?

Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine :)


im_so_hxc August 17 2004, 16:04:00 UTC
I'm glad things are going well for you. Good luck and get better soon.

<3 Shelly


pinkskullz August 17 2004, 16:55:37 UTC
I hope you get better soon johnny!!I'm so excited that you guys are gonna have a show before you go into surgery!!im gonna bring all my friends out with me!!cant wait to see you then!!oh and are you hgaveing your surgery in LA??


anonymous August 17 2004, 20:56:23 UTC
get better soon johnny, we're all pullin for ya. btw, i was wondering, do you all keep in touch with alfredo anymore? why did he quit? im just wondering. keep dancin'


Yes... madcaponline August 18 2004, 03:32:09 UTC
We recently played with Alfredo's new band Bronson and do occasionally see him around town. As far as why he is not in the band anymore I think it was just time for both of us to move on. All is cool now. Thanks for writing and anyone else who has questions please feel free I will be checking this from time to time and am happy to answer.

Johnny Madcap


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