May 23, 2006 03:08
It's been entirely too long since I've posted (or, for that matter, contacted non-RIT friends at all), so here's a short-ish list of crap that's going on in my life for those of you that are interested:
1. To put it bluntly and mildly, I'm fucked in the head. On one hand, it's nice to finally face how maladjusted I am, but on the other it's a bit depressing to go to therapy for half an hour before being told that antidepressants will likely be necessary, at least short-term. Is that some kind of record or are psychotherapists passing out SSRIs like freaking PEZ nowadays?
2. I can't stop staring at my userpic.
3. My first year at college was... meh. Don't get me wrong, I love it here. This place felt more like home than home since I got here. But I haven't been functioning at anywhere near full capacity for a while now, in part because I have absolutely no clue what I want out of life. I might turn out to be one of those types who switches his major seven times before actually figuring himself out. Or maybe I'll sort my life out this summer.
4. On a less depressing note, Kelly equals t3h r0x0rz. She's been my sole source of emotional support this year, and I can't thank her enough for it.
5. I'm coming home Friday!... and then leaving for Washington (state, not DC. Relax, I've no desire to impress Jodie Foster.) on the first for some stretch of time between two weeks and a month.
6. Stephen Colbert's Uncomfortable Truth crits the Bush administration for 5833952 (318220 resisted due to stupidity)
The Bush administration dies.
7. That's about it. I should be studying right now, but I think I'll stare at userpic man for another fifteen minutes or so.