The Guide

Dec 28, 2024 01:42

Now that there is more than one story here, it's time for a sticky-post Table of Contents sort of thing.

X-Men: First Class, Charles/Erik
Inevitable Things: First Draft (LJ), Second Draft (AO3)
The Bright and Darkened Lands: First Draft (LJ), Second Draft (AO3)
Dismantle the Sun: First Draft (LJ) [WIP, currently being beta-read]

X-Men: First Class, Raven (Mystique)
Raven's Importance of Being: First Draft (LJ)

And an explanation:
To me, fan fiction is both a fun creative writing exercise and a way to give back to a community which has provided me with an awful lot of enjoyment and entertainment for free. One of my goals in life is to publish my original writing, because I believe (arrogantly, perhaps) that the world is enriched by diversity (such as what I have to offer), and the simple act of telling a story gives the gift of one's perspective to countless others (if they want it). Of course, a well-written story that entertains is a better gift, and written stories are ultimately collaborative efforts: a written story is nothing without the reader, and what the reader brings with them when their imagination fleshes out the words.

So, reader, here's the deal: ArchiveOfOurOwn (AO3) is a safe place for people to share their stories, no matter what sort of writer they are. That's why the second (final) drafts go there. The first drafts go here, so my beta-reader(s) can point out the flaws. I appreciate it.

fan fiction

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