Jul 10, 2011 22:30
"The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority."
- Ralph W. Sockman
Sometimes opportunities present themselves and sometimes they don't. You can live your life like a journey or like an end to a means.
I can't figure out what any of it means. I can't understand what politics mean or science or religion or literature. Its just air to fill the space before the end. And then after that... Everything that is done during a lifetime is of the moment. It only lasts in that moment. Every memory is of a fleeting instance. Every death is the end of a lifetime of fleeting moments and lasting memories that are gone.
I could argue that life is about life. Living in those moments and then going to the next, but its the things that I invest in that I get stuck on. A relationship, an apartment, a pet, a movie, a presidential candidate. Do my choices and decisions define me or are they just a fleeting moment, over the second I make that conscious cast. They can't belong to me. Once I make a move, its up for interpretation, its on its own path. I have to live with the consequences. Maybe I'll decide to choose something different next time, but that, too, is another moment waiting to be lost in memory.
I am battling with identity. I am battling with choices. I am battling with alliegences to my morals and standards. Do I have any? And if I do, are they actually worth anything? So what if I think something is right. Does that mean it is right? So what if I think something is wrong. Does that make it wrong?