
Feb 14, 2007 22:54

Today marks the 2nd straight day of super-short work days.

To start off yesterday, I managed to lock myself out of my apartment just as I was getting ready to leave. I walked out into the hall to try to shake some of Nikki's (real life) boyfriend's Dog's hair off of my hoodie and then turned around to realize I had just let the door close and lock behind me, with my keys, phone, & jacket all being inside. I think all I could do was say "are you fucking kidding me?" and laugh out of frustration. After trying to break in with a credit card and contemplating busting a window, I started wandering the buildings trying to find an apartment with someone up at 7:15am. It didn't take too long before I did find a guy willing to find the emergency maintenance number and let me use his phone to leave a message. Will was his name. I need to remember to thank him again, should our paths ever cross. Then, after about a half hour of waiting, a girl salting the sidewalks walked by and i got her to get someone to let me in. Sooo, longs story short, I got to work about 40 minutes late. With my supervisor being on vacation, I'm not sure anyone even noticed, but I was going to work late and make up the time anyways. ~~~~~~ Then the shit starts coming down. Fucking blizzard of '07. So, I eventually got an email from upstairs saying the building was closing at 3:00. This meant I'd have to leave at 2:30 to catch the only bus for over an hour. Recap: clock in: 8:40 ~ clock out: 2:30 ~ paid for 8:00 to 4:30.

Then today, I wake up in a rather decent mood, which hasn't been happening much of late, and I get ready as normal. i didn't even think anything of what the weather would be outside. So, I leave at about 7:15 again, only to find my car completely coated with a quarter inch layer of ice. I have never even seen it that bad. At any rate, I started the car up and started cracking, scraping, chipping, and just about anything to get my car drivable. I finally got to leave my parking lot at about 10 minutes to 8:00. The roads to the park and ride were almost empty because they were still really bad, but I made it somehow. I showed up for work again today at 8:40. Only about a quarter of the people in my office even attempted to come to work today. I would have called off too, if i had more than one vacation day left. And that's being saved for the very last possible day I can take it, being Heather's birthday. Since hardly anyone came in, the bigbosslady Lydia decided to buy pizza for everyone for lunch. And sure enough, after I got back to my desk from eating lunch in the conference room, I had another email from upstairs saying that they were closing the building today due to weather at 2:00. So, I got out and had to wander downtown, making a few stops here and there until the first bus came at 2:45. Recap: clock in: 8:40 ~ clock out: 2:00 ~ paid for 8:00 to 4:30.

So, with all this extra time on my hands, I can't say I've done much. I worked out pretty hardcore today and yesterday. Then I ate dinner and found myself in the same situation I am now, which is bored out of my mind. I must have watched almost the entire season 3 of arrested development between these two days. And being bored is only making me depressed. I have felt stressed out for a while now, and I've known that was only a step away from depression. I think I just need to do something to get my mind off things, but with this fucking weather, I feel like I'm trapped up here because I don't want to or can't drive in it. I have found the downside of living alone. Winter is lonely.

I wish:
-Heather wasn't over an hour away
-I knew more people up here to do stuff with
-The snow would all melt away
-I didn't feel frustrated with life (not all, but enough aspects)
-Everything was easier
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